Oyo Rooms with Tamilnadu Business Directory

Address: Plot No.8/1, Collector Office Road, Collectorate, Trichy - 620001, Trichy

Category : Hotels

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About Us:

Counted among the top three star hotels of the city, OYO Rooms in Collectorate is a sheer paradise. Situated in the greenest precinct, far-removed from the city honks, this establishment promises a complete home away from home feeling to its guests. Ever since its inception, this hotel has been a preferred choice of the travellers visiting this city for both pleasure and business trip. The edifice stands within a few kilometres of the airport and railway station, both of which can be accessed via local transportation. Marked by brilliant hospitality and top-of-the-line services, this hotel never fails to play the role of a wonderful host to its guests.

Accommodation and Services:

OYO Rooms in Trichy boasts of state-of-the-art facilities, a brilliant interior and décor which create a hospitable environment for the patrons. The tastefully decorated rooms ensure a comfortable stay for the guests by making available a host of in-room amenities such as room service, free Wi-Fi access, television, storage, comfortable beds, plush seating arrangement and much more. The large windows providing a bright view of the city sky is a true spectacle to watch and enjoy. There is a large swimming pool in the property that bathes in glorious golden light of the sun every morning. Many a times, this hotel has been chosen by business travellers for meetings, events and parties as the place holds commodious conference rooms, equipped with all necessary facilities. It remains functional from 00:00 - 23:59.


The spectacular in-house restaurant offers a variety of mouthwatering dishes in stunning settings allowing the guests to celebrate the rich diversity of cuisine.

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Contact:: admin@tninfodirectory.com & +914326 261045