Reliance Fresh with Tamilnadu Business Directory

Address: No 19/201, Dindugal Main Road, Ponnagar, Trichy - 620001, National College Near , Vvv Theater Near (map), Trichy

Category : Supermarkets

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Location:  View in Map| City:  Trichy

Working hours:  07:00 am - 09:30 pm

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About Us:

Owned by the esteemed Reliance Industries of India, Reliance Fresh in Ponnagar is a name to reckon with. This establishment, established in 2010, sells all kinds of fresh fruits, vegetables, groceries, staples, juices and dairy products among others. Currently, the brand pans across the country with more than 1,691 fully-functional and operative outlets catering to its wide customer-base. Headed by Mukesh Ambani, this retail store has plans to further expand in terms of investment in the coming years. Sprawling over an astounding 3000-4000 square feet space, the shop can accommodate a large number of customers at a time. Reliance Fresh has an online shop too which enables the customers to shop groceries and other items from the comforts of their homes as per their convenient time. Ensuring top quality products at the best prices, this establishment promises an enhanced and hassle-free customer experience. Providing staggering discounts across a wide range of products, the retail outlet is a favourite among its customers. The establishment stands at Dindugal Main Road, Dindugal Main Road owing to which customers arriving from any part of the city can easily find the outlet.

Services Offered at Reliance Fresh:

Reliance Fresh in Trichy reveals an extremely commodious space with separate aisles for each category of products. While the fruits and vegetables are displayed in appropriate baskets, the frozen products are stored at optimal temperatures inside refrigerators which help to retain the freshness and high quality. There are several billing counters at the shop that issue invoices and credit memos to the customers with promptness. It serves the residents from 07:00 - 21:30.

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